Friday, April 14, 2017

8th Grade Spirit of Washington Dance

We are excited that our 8th Grade Scholars will be attending a trip on the Spirit of Washington on Friday, May 19th.  Parents will be responsible for dropping off and picking up their child.  Drop off will be at 6:45pm and pick up at 10:00pm.  Deposit of $37 is due upon returning from Spring break no later than Tuesday, April 25th.  Remaining balance is due Wednesday, May 3rd.  You may pay the entire amount for the deposit instead of breaking payments into two.  Please advise that their will be NO REFUNDS if your child is unable to attend.  The dress code is semi-formal.  Males may wear a suit, vest, slacks, and dress shirt with tie/bowtie (NO TENNIS SHOES).  Females may wear a dress, skirt with blouse, or pant suit (NO JUMPERS).  If students are not dressed appropriately they will not be allowed on the boat.  Thanks again and we look forward to our AmaZinG trip!

Spring Break Packets Due 4/24

All Spring Break Packets can be found on the link below:

After going to the link, scroll down and find the Middle School Packet corresponding to your grade. Download the packet, print and complete.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spirit Week 2017

4/3 Monday - Career Day:  Students dress like what they want to be when they grow up
4/4 Tuesday - Twin Day:  Choose a partner and dress like each other
4/5 Wednesday - Mismatch Day:  Wear the craziest, most uncoordinated outfit you can come up with
4/6 Thursday - Crazy Hair Day: Get creative with your hair
4/7 Friday - Purple Up Day:  In honor of military families, wear a purple shirt with uniform bottoms