“Developing Solutions in order to Prevent the Impact of Hurricanes/Typhoons
around the World”
around the World”
Governor of NC - Researcher - Presenters
Governor of Florida - Researcher - Presenters
Governor of Texas - Researcher - Presenters
Governor of Louisiana - Researcher - Presenters
President of Japan - Researcher - Presenters
Develop a standard operating procedure that would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases impacting
the US/Japan (planet) without drastically impacting the economy
Develop an action plan to help save the lives of people impacted by hurricanes/typhoons
Develop a standard operating procedure that would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases impacting
the US/Japan (planet) without drastically impacting the economy
Develop an action plan to help save the lives of people impacted by hurricanes/typhoons
Maintain the current GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Maintain the current GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Provide a solution that addresses the needs of your community, state, or country that will ultimately
reduce greenhouse gases and maintain your GDP
Provide a solution that addresses the needs of your community, state, or country that will ultimately
reduce greenhouse gases and maintain your GDP
PRESENTATION: Must include an opening CLAIM (STATEMENT).
For example: My name is _______________ and I am the Governor of NC and
over the last 5 years, we have been severely impacted by extreme weather patterns.
Our state also has the largest amount of tourists that come to our state for religious
conventions and barbecue. Currently our country/state emits __________of carbon into
the atmosphere. The global impact of our carbon emissions is tremendous. As a result of
the carbon emissions, we have seen an increase in ________________. Therefore, we
devised a strategy that would help to decrease our carbon footprint while not impacting our
current GDP. Our country’s/state’s GDP is ___________________. This accounts for ___________________ of the US/world’s economy. In order for us to help to reduce
our carbon footprint in the atmosphere, we have decided to implement the following
For example: My name is _______________ and I am the Governor of NC and
over the last 5 years, we have been severely impacted by extreme weather patterns.
Our state also has the largest amount of tourists that come to our state for religious
conventions and barbecue. Currently our country/state emits __________of carbon into
the atmosphere. The global impact of our carbon emissions is tremendous. As a result of
the carbon emissions, we have seen an increase in ________________. Therefore, we
devised a strategy that would help to decrease our carbon footprint while not impacting our
current GDP. Our country’s/state’s GDP is ___________________. This accounts for ___________________ of the US/world’s economy. In order for us to help to reduce
our carbon footprint in the atmosphere, we have decided to implement the following
(EVIDENCE) Our research will help to explain the evidence that supports our claim
(REASONING) In addition, we have also found several ways to ___________________
You may use graphs to represent your data, increase or decrease of greenhouse gases like
CO2 emissions. You may also include models to represent your project. Your presentation
must be longer than 5 minutes but no longer than 10 minutes. Each group member will
have to answer questions at the end of the presentation.
CO2 emissions. You may also include models to represent your project. Your presentation
must be longer than 5 minutes but no longer than 10 minutes. Each group member will
have to answer questions at the end of the presentation.
Meets Most Requirements
Needs Improvement
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Cumulative Score
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Total Score
801/802 Project Based Assessments will begin during class 9/25/18
701/702 Project Based Assessments will begin during class 9/27/18
Make sure you are adhering to the instructions outlined in the procedure. Please ensure that each member is prepared and understands the content presented. Be ready to answer questions at the end of your presentation. Follow the Rubric for the project. Good Luck!